Glad to have these back!
“When the PRO-B11 went out of stock I tried a few other brands with varying results. When I saw the old PRO-B11 in a new color at the top of my search results I was oddly excited. Glad to have them back!”

Ulcerative Colitis' Enemy!
“I was diagnosed with UC six years ago. I've tried so many probiotics that promise amazing things (even the super expensive kind), and they don't come close to delivering. This probiotic is the BEST!"

Probiotics are my way of life
"I have done a lot of research and this product covers all the grounds that I'm looking for when I'm taking my probiotics. I know that each company has their own formula so I read all of the ingredients and this one is a higher quality in my opinion."
A Probiotic Supplement Developed Specifically For IBD
Probiotics are everywhere. The science of the microbiome is undeniable, but the science on exactly how much they help is not settled. A person who is truly healthy and experiences no gastrointestinal distress really doesn’t need them. A person who mainly eats a Western diet is probably not getting the diversity in their diet that they should, and as such is mostly feeding the “bad” bacteria that can take over and lead to gastrointestinal issues. A person who has an Inflammatory Bowel Disease is proven to have lower levels of several of the “good” bacterial species that help maintain balance and a strong gastrointestinal lining. A person who has IBS has also been shown to have a lower abundance of Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) producing bacteria.
So, do YOU need a probiotic supplement? If you’re on this website, the chances are that you do.
Why then should you choose PRO-B11?
We worked with one of the World’s largest probiotic manufacturers to develop our formula based around mirroring the bacterial ratios in a healthy gut. While only using bacterial species that that have been scientifically proven to be effective in improving the gastrointestinal health of people suffering from IBD and IBS.
We chose 22 Billion cfu because it is at the top end of what is the recommended daily dose for probiotics. We employed a Delayed Release capsule shell to ensure that the maximum number of live bacteria would make it past your stomach acid. And we decided to price our supplement in a way that anybody can afford to take it daily for long periods of time. They’re an even better deal when you bundle them together with our PREbiotic GOLD and Phage-1 supplements!
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