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Find Your Intestinal Fortitude, 

With New Zealand Colostrum

Have you heard about the health benefits of Colostrum? Not just another fad, this supplement can make a real difference in your daily routine.

Natural And Effective

  •  Immune Health Support

  • Gut Health Support

  • Can Help Aid Pain Reduction

  • Encourages Regeneration 

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"You are what you eat."

This was a common saying when I was growing up, but this mostly referred to a teenager’s penchant for soda, sugar, and processed provisions.  As time has gone by and the world has become more aware of the effects of what we put into our bodies, that saying has shifted ever so slightly.  Nowadays it’s “you are what you eat... ATE”.  Grass-fed, cage free, pasture raised, are just some of the terms we never heard a few years back.   


With that simple statement in mind, we set out to find the absolute best possible source for our Colostrum.  We did a lot of research, had several conversations with potential manufacturers, and really weighed out the benefits and challenges of each possibility.  In the end there wasn’t any question.  It was a veritable no-brainer!

Did you know that New Zealand is one of the cleanest places on Earth?  Did you know that there are almost as many cows there as there are people?  Did you know that their cattle industry has some of the strictest regulations there are?  


When it came down to it, sourcing our colostrum from New Zealand was a no-brainer! 

High Quality Standards: New Zealand has stringent regulations for dairy production, ensuring high-quality standards for colostrum. These standards often exceed those in other countries.

Pasture-Raised Cows: Cows in New Zealand are pasture-raised and grass-fed. This natural diet contributes to the nutritional quality of the colostrum they produce. 

Minimal Use of Antibiotics: New Zealand's dairy industry is known for its minimal use of antibiotics, reducing the risk of antibiotic residues in colostrum.

Non-GMO Farming Practices: New Zealand has strict regulations against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture, which includes dairy farming. This ensures that colostrum from New Zealand is free from GMOs. 

Clean, Green Environment: The country's reputation for having a clean, unpolluted environment contributes to the overall quality of its dairy products, including colostrum. 

Year-Round Grazing: The temperate climate allows cows to graze outdoors year-round, which is believed to enhance the nutritional profile of the colostrum. 

Rich in Bioactive Components: New Zealand colostrum is often rich in bioactive components like immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and growth factors, which are beneficial for health. 

Strict Animal Welfare Standards: New Zealand has strong animal welfare standards, ensuring that dairy cows are well-cared for, which can influence the quality of the colostrum produced. 

Advanced Processing Techniques: The dairy industry in New Zealand uses advanced processing techniques to preserve the nutritional integrity of colostrum while ensuring safety and longevity of the product. 

Global Reputation for Dairy Excellence: New Zealand's global reputation for dairy excellence extends to its colostrum products, often making them a preferred choice for consumers looking for high-quality dairy supplements. 

Hormone and GMO Free: Intestinal Fortitude colostrum is free from preservatives, and other food additives. You will also never find the synthetic hormone rBST (common in other countries) which is not licensed for use in dairy cows by the NZ Food Safety Authority. Our colostrum contains no genetically modified organisms, plants, or animal products. 

New Zealand’s temperate climate means that cows spend the entire year in the pasture.  They’re not penned up, they’re not crowded together, they’re not “let out” when the weather is nice enough.  They spend their entire year outdoors eating pesticide free GRASS (not grain pellets) and are never placed in any location that would restrict the space available to them.  In the U.S., dairy cows are more commonly kept in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and are fed a controlled diet.


New Zealand's grass-fed cows, roaming free in an environment untouched by the chaos of industrial farming, are the source of our premium colostrum. These cows aren’t just any cows. They are raised in the idyllic, pure air of New Zealand, away from the pollutants and stresses of modern life. The result? Colostrum that’s not only pure but supercharged with health benefits.


New Zealand uses a seasonal calving system which is great for two reasons.  First, because it matches the home-grown feed supply with the herd’s nutritional needs.  And second, because New Zealand colostrum is only produced during a three month period.  Allowing our farmers to collect enough early milk (from the first 2 milkings only) and process it the exact same day to ensure full biological activity. Because freshness equals potency. And potency equals effectiveness.  

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What Makes Intestinal Fortitude Colostrum Different

Other colostrums are collected in batches until they have enough to process.  This means it must be frozen and stored for varying periods of time.  Rapid freezing and then rapid thawing prior to processing can compromise the biological activity of the colostrum.  


Intestinal Fortitude colostrum is transported from the farm in its fresh chilled state directly to the processing plant.  Where it is de-fatted in order to provide a better concentration of bioactive proteins, and to extend the shelf life.  We then follow international standards and pasteurize it for 15-seconds at 72 degrees celsius.


 After which it is dried and sent straight to a GMP certified bottling facility.  No additives, no “doctoring” to increase IgG levels, no blending in of skim milk powder to pad profits (can you believe that bull?), just pure unadulterated grass-fed colostrum powder sent directly to you.  

If you’ve just read all that and are now convinced you would never take colostrum from anywhere other than New Zealand, but are still not sure exactly why you might want to take colostrum at all... Let’s quickly run through just some of the more than 90 biologically active components inside. 


Intestinal Fortitude Colostrum is a treasure trove of natural elements that play a crucial role in modulating the body's immune responses, particularly in the interaction between macrophages and lymphocytes. It contains a rich array of immuno-regulating components:

Thymosin Variants: Colostrum is enriched with both alpha and beta types of Thymosin, pivotal for a robust immune system. These components are key in both stimulating and balancing immune responses. 

Proline-rich Peptide (PRP): Acting akin to hormones, PRPs in colostrum regulate the thymus gland and overall immune system functionality. They are particularly effective in preventing excessive immune reactions and enhancing nutrient uptake. 

Cytokines: These small protein messengers are crucial for directing white blood cells to areas where they are most needed, maintaining essential communication pathways within the immune system. 

Lymphokines: As variable-sized proteins, lymphokines inform nearby cells about injuries and initiate the transformation of these cells into types that can effectively counteract harmful microorganisms. 

Furthermore, and this is the part that we love the most, Intestinal Fortitude Colostrum contributes significantly to gastrointestinal health, enhancing the body's first line of defense and aiding nutrient absorption. It includes: 

Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM): Known as antibodies, these are developed over a mother's lifetime and passed to newborns via colostrum, offering protection against a variety of pathogens. 

Lactoperoxidase & Xanthine Oxidase: These enzymes attach to harmful bacteria, breaking down specific proteins and inhibiting bacterial proliferation. 

Lactoferrin: This iron-binding protein possesses antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties and is effective against a range of conditions including Inflammatory Bowel Disease and various infections. 

Leukocytes: These white blood cells, present in colostrum, produce interferon to slow viral replication and prevent viruses from penetrating cellular walls. 

In addition, Intestinal Fortitude Colostrum is a rich source of growth factors like IGF-1 and IGF-2, part of a larger group known as the “IGF Binding Protein Superfamily.” These growth factors are instrumental in cell growth and reproduction, aiding in converting glucose to glycogen, a primary energy source, and utilizing amino acids to produce beneficial proteins.


This isn’t a mere supplement; it’s a return to the roots of natural wellness, backed by a legacy of health and vitality documented in ancient healers’ texts from a thousand years ago, and now reaffirmed by modern science. Embrace the purity, potency, and promise of New Zealand’s finest colostrum. 

Perfect For The Whole Family

Suitable for ages 10 and older, when taken daily our Colostrum supplement offers a full body boost by supporting gut function, digestive health, and immune health. 

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Natural And Effective

  •  Immune Health Support

  • Gut Health Support

  • Can Help Aid Pain Reduction

  • Encourages Regeneration 

  •  Immune Health Support

  • Gut Health Support

  • Can Help Aid Pain Reduction

  • Encourages Regeneration 

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Discover the Difference:


New Zealand Sourced

100% Grass Fed

Antibiotic Free

Pesticide Free

Hormone Free


Intestinal Fortitude

Other Brands


New Zealand Sourced

100% Grass Fed

Antibiotic Free

Pesticide Free

Hormone Free


Intestinal Fortitude

Other Brands

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Here's What Customers Like You Have To Say:

Very clean brand

I really like this brand, In less than a month I notice a cleaner face and my digestive problems got better. I usually open the pill and just put the powder in my mouth.


Verified Buyer

Every bit as good as expensive brands.

I was looking for an alternative to armra because it’s a fad brand taking advantage of a TikTok trend. Colostrum has been around since mothers were invented people. Just look for natural ingredients and you’ll still see the benefits and potential savings.


Verified Buyer

Colostrum Benefits

I read an article about the benefits of colostrum, so I decided to give it a try. I was mostly looking for the help w/my gut, but a little immune support would be good too. Well, last week everyone in my house came down with norovirus and RSV....everyone except me that is. Now I'm not saying the colostrum was the reason...but I'm not saying that either.


Verified Buyer

A great addition to my other Intestinal Fortitude products

This product is great. I really appreciate that it comes from New Zealand, as I know their daily products are much cleaner than ours. My stomach has definitely felt better since I started taking it. I take two every morning with a little water. Easy addition to my supplement routine.


Verified Buyer

Natural And Effective

  •  Immune Health Support

  • Gut Health Support

  • Can Help Aid Pain Reduction

  • Encourages Regeneration 

Today Only: Get 20% OFF!


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