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Chances are if you've found your way to us, you have been experiencing digestive discomfort, irritation, or pain. You've likely tried managing symptoms that range from annoying, to downright unbearable.
You're not the only one. We've been there, and that's why we created our range of products that are all designed with gut health in mind. Find the best product for you below:

Gut Health Is Overall Health
"Trust your gut" is a popular saying for a reason, and while it may not be the intended meaning, we believe that how our gut is feeling, can be a major indicator of our overall health.
To put it simply, if your digestion feels off, you don't feel like your best self, and going about your daily activities can feel challenging. Intestinal Fortitude products were designed with IBD in mind, but are an ideal natural solution for anyone looking to feel better, starting with their gut - They work gently to soothe digestive discomfort and get you back to feeling your best.
Gut Health Is Overall Health
"Trust your gut" is a popular saying for a reason, and while it may not be the intended meaning, we believe that how our gut is feeling, can be a major indicator of our overall health.
To put it simply, if your digestion feels off, you don't feel like your best self, and going about your daily activities can feel challenging. Intestinal Fortitude products were designed with IBD in mind, but are an ideal natural solution for anyone looking to feel better, starting with their gut - They work gently to soothe digestive discomfort and get you back to feeling your best.

Why Choose Intestinal Fortitude?
Intestinal Fortitude was founded in 2018 as a way to help manage my illness without spending a lifetime on prescription medications. Through hundreds of hours of research and testing, we developed a blend of herbal ingredients that brings me relief and allows me to live mostly symptom-free. I really hope they will do the same thing for you!
I personally take each and every one of our products every day, so it's very important to me that the quality remains high, while the price remains reasonable. We don't cut corners, we don't put cost-cutting measures above the efficacy of the product, and we never lose sight of why we started this project. We make products for ourselves because ultimately we suffer from the samethings that our customers do.
- Will, Founder & CEO
Don't Take Our Word For It
Our customers are already experiencing the difference a little Intestinal Fortitude makes, here's what they have to say:

Such A Big Difference!
"The last two months have been so much better. My belly does not cramp as much, it does not bloat as much. It's been pretty great!"
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Big Time Gamechanger!
"I've gone vegetarian, I cut out red meat, I cut out alcohol, I cut out coffee... The only relief I've gotten has been from GLR-6"
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It Works!
"I've had over 30 years experience with ulcerative colitis and stomach issues. I've tried everything under the Sun, and this product is the real deal!"
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